PESEL Number in Poland: What is it?
How to Get It and Why It's Important
The PESEL number (Universal Electronic Population Registration System) is a unique identifier assigned to every Polish citizen and many foreigners residing in the country. In this article, we will discuss what a PESEL number is, how to obtain it, what its functions are and why it is an important element in the life of every person in Poland.
What is Numer PESEL?
The PESEL number is a unique, 11-digit ID numbernification assigned to every person born in Poland
or permanently or temporarily registered in the territory of the country. It consists of information about date of birth, gender and serial number.
How to Get a PESEL Number?
The PESEL number is assigned automatically at birth for Polish citizens. Foreigners receive a PESEL number as a result of the registration procedure or after submitting an application to the commune/district/city office.
Functions of the PESEL Number
The PESEL number serves many important functions in everyday life, including:
Identification of a person: The PESEL number is used to clearly identify a person in offices, medical facilities, schools and other institutions.
Registration of Civil Status Records: The PESEL number is used to register birth, marriage and death certificates.
Bank Accounts: A PESEL number is often required when opening a bank account.
Identity Documents: The PESEL number is often used as part of the data on identity documents such as an ID card.
Taxes and Health Insurance Contributions: The PESEL number is used in the taxation process and to calculate health insurance contributions.
Why is the PESEL Number Important?
The PESEL number is important because it allows the identification and control of the personal data of every person in Poland. It is necessary for many official procedures and in everyday life, which makes it a key element in the functioning of society and the state.
It is worth remembering that the PESEL number is confidential and should be kept in a safe place to avoid potential misuse. If you need help with obtaining it, contact us!
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Aleje Jerozolimskie 96,
00-807 Warsaw
in Wroclaw
+48 533 387 430 (POL, ENG)
+48 533 387 432 (UKR, ROS)
Mon - Fri
09:00 - 17:00
street Dyrekcyjna 33A/U1,
50-528 Wrocław